We published public information Katsushika July 25 issue.

We published public information Katsushika July 25 issue.
One of the July 25 issues is "One more year until Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games are held."
It has been another year for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games to be held.
In ward, we authorize athlete with connection to ward aiming at participation in Tokyo 2020 meeting as Katsushika ward top athlete. In addition, we maintain facility of sports climbing that became formal competition from Tokyo 2020 meeting and provide opportunity to watch games directly to children going to municipal kindergarten, elementary and junior high school. There are also many events for the Tokyo 2020 Games. I can not wait until the convention is held.

12 special features of this issue "A park where you can play a game of Katsushika"
[Use time] from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm [use period] until Sunday, September 1 All 15 places (parks)
As hot days continue, let's be careful about heat stroke by taking water to a small amount.

http://www.city.katsushika.lg.jp/information/kouho/1005537/1021290. html

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