[Kyoko Morisawa Mayor of Shinagawa] Shinagawa Kids Patrol

Today, the Shinagawa Kids Patrol enlistment ceremony and departure ceremony were held at the ward office, and 18 members of the ward elementary school attended.

At the enlistment ceremony, the captain, Mayor Morisawa, hung an enlistment card around the neck of each member and encouraged them to "announce in a loud and cheerful voice and play an active role in preventing crime and improving manners in the area." I was.

From July 21st (Fri) to July 27th (Thurs), excluding Saturdays and Sundays, the volunteers will patrol the streets in community safety patrol vehicles and carry out crime prevention publicity activities using microphones.

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General Affairs Division Secretary (03-3777-1111)

Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」

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