Outlet tea tree 🎄 A Christmas tree inspired by Iruma City's mascot "Tea" and Sayama tea ✨
cinema complex
You can watch movies that are currently showing. 0
There is a car displayed in front of the entrance of the facility. It is used as a kitchen car. 0
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This is test post 3. 0
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It's a test. 0
Sunaneko was born in Kobe. It was a little over two years old, and soon after it opened to the public, it became very popular. The feeling of not being able to sit still was cute, and there was a crowd of people trying to capture that moment in a photo.
Sunaneko was born in Kobe. It was a little over two years old, and it was very popular shortly after it was opened to the public. The feeling of not being able to sit still was cute, and there was a crowd of people trying to capture that moment in a photo.