[Olympic Hockey Class]

[Olympic Hockey Class]

Olympian Dispatch Class "Yashio Legacy Learn and Experience! Olympic and Paralympic Hockey Class" was held at Yashio Gakuen (5-11-2, Yashio) on Tuesday, July 18, 5th year of Reiwa. As a subject of the Citizens Course Yashio Integrated Plan, it is held for fifth graders at the school with the aim of passing on the Tokyo 2020 Games hockey legacy and getting familiar with hockey, which is a regional feature. In the hands-on class, Kaori Fujio and Sachiyo Asano, former members of the Japan women's hockey team, taught hockey directly. After the class, when I asked the students what they had to say, they said, “I learned the importance of teamwork

[Information for the #Ebara Daiyon District Citizens Summer Festival]

Tomorrow (22nd), "Summer Festival" will be held at Genjimae Elementary School in Shinagawa Ward. On the day of the festival, you can enjoy performances by groups active in the area, refreshment stands, children's corners by elementary school PTAs and children's centers, Bon Odori, and fireworks. Date: July 22, 2020 (Sat) (First half) 10:00 a.m. to noon (Latter half) 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Venue: Genji Mae Elementary School (6-2-18 Nakanobu, Shinagawa-ku) Details on the day are also posted on Ebara Daiyon District Instagram (@ebaradai4). Please take a look. #Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #If #Ebara 4th #Ebara 4th District #Ebara 4th Regional Center #Ebara 4th District Summer Festival #Summer

[Kyoko Morisawa] Lunch meeting

The lunch meeting between the staff and Mayor Morisawa, which started in June, is also the 6th! Today, three staff members from the Accounting Management Office, the New Government Building Maintenance Division, and the Culture and Tourism Division participated. Opinions were exchanged on various themes, including the computerization of operations, initiatives for the new government building, tourism, maintaining daily motivation, and hiring staff. This lunch meeting was very well received by the staff who participated, and we plan to hold it again in the future! By the way, the stuffed animals placed in the center of the table are Shinagawa City's tourism ambassador #Cinnamon and the tourism ambassador apprentice #Hatachi

[Information about the Oi 3rd District Citizen Festival]

Date: July 22, 2020 (Sat) 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Venue: Welcome Center Hara Exchange Facility (2-5-21 Nishioi) We are waiting for you at the venue! *Photos from last year #わしながわ #wa_shinagawa #しながわ #shinagawa #品川 #品川区 #大井third地域センター #大井third区区民祭 Oi 3rd Regional Center Telephone 03-3773-2000 Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」 0

[Kyoko Morisawa] Wind and flood disaster response headquarters training

Today, we conducted a drill assuming a super typhoon making landfall. Assuming three days after a super-sized typhoon makes landfall, we simulated the situation and issues of disaster response according to the damage scenario, and the efforts to resume normal operations. We will continue to strengthen our response to storm and flood damage, which has become more severe in recent years! #わしながわ #wa_shinagawa #しながわ General Affairs Division Secretary (03-3777-1111) Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」 0

[Men’s Hockey Japan League Watching Tour]

The Men's Hockey Japan League watching tour was held on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the Oi Hockey Stadium (4-1-19, Yashio). The spectator tour is aimed at further awareness and promotion of hockey through spectating and supporting the games of the hockey team "Freaks Tokyo" based in Shinagawa Ward and interacting with the team. The match was held as part of the regular stage of the Prince Takamado 2023 Hockey Japan League, and Freaks Tokyo faced Hosei University. <Match results> Freaks Tokyo 0 – 1 Hosei University After the game, they took commemorative photos with each player and enjoyed the tour. #Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Hockey #Freaks Tokyo

[Men’s Hockey Japan League Watching Tour]

The Men's Hockey Japan League watching tour was held on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the Oi Hockey Stadium (4-1-19, Yashio). The spectator tour is aimed at further awareness and promotion of hockey through spectating and supporting the games of the hockey team "Freaks Tokyo" based in Shinagawa Ward and interacting with the team. The match was held as part of the regular stage of the Prince Takamado 2023 Hockey Japan League, and Freaks Tokyo faced Hosei University. <Match results> Freaks Tokyo 0 – 1 Hosei University After the game, they took commemorative photos with each player and enjoyed the tour. #Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Hockey #Freaks Tokyo

[Men’s Hockey Japan League Watching Tour]

The Men's Hockey Japan League watching tour was held on Sunday, July 23, 2023 at the Oi Hockey Stadium (4-1-19, Yashio). The spectator tour is aimed at further awareness and promotion of hockey through spectating and supporting the games of the hockey team "Freaks Tokyo" based in Shinagawa Ward and interacting with the team. The match was held as part of the regular stage of the Prince Takamado 2023 Hockey Japan League, and Freaks Tokyo faced Hosei University. <Match results> Freaks Tokyo 0 – 1 Hosei University After the game, they took commemorative photos with each player and enjoyed the tour. #Washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa #Shinagawa Ward #Hockey #Freaks Tokyo

[Shinagawa Central Park bouldering field]

Shinagawa Central Park Bouldering Ground Opening Commemorative Event/Experience Class was held on July 23, 2020 (Sunday) at Shinagawa Central Park Bouldering Ground (1-27 Nishi-Shinagawa). Akiyo Noguchi, who won a bronze medal at the Tokyo 2020 Games, gave a climbing demonstration. In the hands-on class, the children enjoyed bouldering while receiving advice from Mr. Noguchi. Mr. Noguchi said, "Everyone did their best, it must have been hot," and took commemorative photos and signed autographs with the children until the end. <Shinagawa Central Park bouldering course> Opened in Shinagawa Central Park as an opportunity to casually enjoy bouldering, an urban sport. The installation was supervised by Akiyo Noguchi, who won a bronze

[A mysterious hero in Shinagawa Ward? birth】

A mysterious department deep inside the Shinagawa Ward Office! ? A trio rumored to solve the worries of anxious residents. August 2023, unofficial hero of Shinagawa Ward? is born. Distribution will start on the official YouTube channel from August 2023! Please take a look 🐬 Public Relations and Public Hearing Division Phone: 03-5742-6043 #washinagawa #wa_shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa #shinagawa ward #hero Shinagawa City Official Instagram「wa.shinagawa」 0

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